Vendor Terms of Use allows vendors/sellers to sell their products by using our user friendly platform. As a registered vendor, you are allowed to list item(s) for sale on in accordance with the policies which are incorporated by way of reference in these Terms of Use. Please be informed that by registering as a vendor, you’re also bound to the Terms & Conditions. Please read this document carefully.

  • You must be legally able to sell the item(s) you list for sale on our website.
  • Listings may only include text descriptions, graphics and pictures that describe your item for sale. All listed items must be listed in an appropriate category on the Website. You’re not allowed to submit any encrypted version of pictures. Pictures with any hidden massages are strictly not allowed. All listed items must be kept in stock for successful fulfilment of sales.
  • Vendors/Sellers are only allowed to list products which are accepted by
  • No sellers can promote his personal sells by putting any statement on website, providing any leaflet with packaged item, or establishing personal communication using customer data from Nestreeo. If any circumstance comes under notice of Nestreeo, we (Nestreeo) can deactivate the user as a vendor.
  • Any motivational, unethical, communal, rumour, influential statement on the Website is not permitted.
  • All the products need to go under an approval process before publication to the Website.
  • All the delivery charges are taken care by Nestreeo only.
  • Product final pricing will be decided by Nestreeo depending on all charges like tax, shipping etc.
  • We do not have global commission rule. The commission for vendor/seller is discussed through e-mail as we want to keep that agreement between us and the vendor/seller. Vendor/Seller are requested to keep our official e-mail as a document of our agreement.
  • Any changes on price need to intimate with Nestreeo at least 15 days prior of implementation and final price will be selected after negotiation with Nestreeo.
  • If any seller wants to put a product on sale, he/she needs to update Nestreeo with a prior notice of 30 days prior.
  • Nestreeo vendor service grants you a limited license to access and make personal use of this site and not to download (other than page caching) or modify it, or any portion of it. You may not use any logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark of Nestreeo seller services or its affiliates as part of the link without their express written permission.
  • If any seller selling any product with a warranty or guaranty, then seller need to provide all the respective document for warranty or guaranty within the product package.
  • If any customer asks for refund for wrong/faulty product and if Nestreeo found that issue is from seller’s end, then seller needs to provide the refund money to customer.
  • Seller cannot put any name of product, name of seller, any time of codes, address, any message embedded with product image.
  • If any refund request comes and seller does not respond within 2 days, then seller refund request will be approved automatically.
  • The listing description of the item must not be misleading and must describe actual condition of the product. If the item description does not match the actual condition of the item, you agree to refund any amounts that you may have received from the buyer. You agree not to list a single product in multiple quantities across various categories on the website. reserves the right to delete such multiple listings of the same product listed by you in various categories.
  • Seller need to confirm the product request after 24 hours to 48 hours as the product request came.
  • You represent and warrant that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the content or material that you post or submit or that you otherwise provide on or through the site, that the content is accurate, that the content is lawful, that use of the content you supply does not violate this policy and will not cause injury to any person or entity.
  • Seller will have the privilege to remove the product, change category, modify the stock, and update product description and not to update price.

We welcome you to Register As A Vendor at and start listing your products. If you have any queries, please send us e-mail at or you can contact us by our Contact page.

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